Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I am in Vienna now, and I am not going to write up everything just yet. I am staying with my friend Rishi, who was my RA sophomore year at Carolina. He grew up in France and came to UNC as an international student, so it was only fitting that he was the RA for the diversity hall. He has lived in Vienna for a few years now. He did his masters here and is now working with the UN.

It’s been great staying in a city with someone who knows the city. I arrived on Sunday, and we went for a whirlwind walking tour to show the sites. He lived two blocks from the Museums Quatier, and we went to Maria Teresa Platz, HOfburg where the Chancellor lives, the Graben for shopping and to see Stafansdome, the Opera house, Schonbrunn a summer palace and finished the afternoon off with coffee, tea and pastries at Diglas. We had wiener schnitzel for dinner and a good beer to go with it. Since then, I have retraced steps and gone to the Succession Building, Wagner Apartments, the University and another great coffeeshop. Last night, oddly enough, we ate at an asian buffet that was delicisious. And today I’m planning to go into some of the museums. It’s great, and I will update more soon.

1 comment:

salman said...

Winaaaaa! Have a blast and say hi to Rishi for me!