Monday, May 28, 2007

Quito Week 2

As I’ve just lamented with a few people, it has been crazy here to try to figure out a system for my days. My times is sectioned off with class, studying, designing, working in the café, talking and hanging out with my family, trying to find some way to volunteer and trying to find people who will speak Spanish with me. Recently I’ve felt like I’m doing a million things, and I’m not really doing any of them well.

Now, that’s not to say I’m not having a good time. I am enjoying myself.

My first weekend in Quito I talked to friends for hours and made homemade pizza. I admitted that I was an atheist to a surprisingly agnostic crowd, and tried to show in a small way that not all Americans are completely clueless about what America is doing in the world.

Last week, I went to a midnight premier of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 with Jose Luis and his friends Max and Abel. At 4:30 a.m., when I finally got to sleep, my head was full of new Spanish words from the clever Jack Sparrow that I read on subtitles. I was recuperating for two days, but it was worth it.

This weekend I was in a park, looking at beautiful views of the city, when the sky opened up and poured buckets of rain and hail. I ran through a field and a forest to get back to the house. We started walking back down to the house, but when the lightening seemed right next to us, we broke out in a run. High knees through fields and dodging back and forth on roots and rocks in bed of the woods. Soaking wet, we traversed the highway to get back to the house, and made it just inside before the hard, big pieces of hail started to fall.

I’ve eaten well. Every weekend, my host mom Ana makes a new dessert. Last weekend it was a tart custard layered with sweet cookies. This weekend it was a tasty peace pie with delicious fruit slices masterfully positioned in a circle on top. Needless to say, I am looking forward to Sundays.

That’s all for this week. I’ll try to keep the updates coming…

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